It's been years this 'Grace' has been my favorite topic to talk about. As I recall, I have painted the canvases on my experiences of Grace more than on any other topic. For me God’s grace has always reached me like this......wooooosh!!!. Immediate! Always dramatic! Always loud! Always vibrant! Whenever I feel weak, His grace comes to me like a powerhouse of strength. Whenever I feel low, His grace comes along like a racing car vroooooom, It finds me wherever I am and lifts me up and carries me through.
Grace of God is His free and ready favor, unmerited one -We don't have to do a thing to deserve it but only through faith in Jesus we receive it, an ever-present help in times of our deep need. When we are overwhelmed with the worries and cares of life, tired and exhausted physically or emotionally or both, we look up to the heavens n say, “Lord I come to you, I need you because with my own efforts life seems difficult and meaningless and I tried enough and everything. I tried people, I tried methods, I tried my intellect but that didn't make me feel any better and now I feel stuck. You take over from here! You take charge! Let's do it together! And because you are enough, so I am enough!
At that very moment God gifts us this Grace, all abound in love, to strike the mark in our lives. It feels like a refreshing wave of ocean on my face. It feels like a vibrant splash of paints on my canvas. It feels like a beautiful melody stuck on my lips that I can sing all day long.
He is a loving father who enjoys me seeking Him in all what I do. Sometimes even without asking He comes through too.
Ever-present!! Never-changing!! Ever-faithful!!
Come let us together experience this amazing Grace of God which is available for all of us.
Stay Blessed!
Heartfelt. Amazing.