Scars are the evidence of a hurt, an injury or a surgery that has healed. If you can notice the scars on your skin, I'm sure you realise you are healed. Still living, by Grace of God.
Scars reveal that God never left you alone. He restored you. He carried you through till this date. You are alive.
The scars that are visible were given antibiotics for healing and ointments for soothing but the scars which are invisible to eyes, are skin deep, are difficult to heal and only God can heal those emotional scars. They are deep seated like wounds never been attended. These invisible scars remind us of our traumatic experiences of life we have gone through alone. The memories of these experiences keep the deadly sting constantly pricking our hearts and keep poisoning it. We become bitter, harmful and hold our resentment for so long, that we get used to of the life of blaming others or our situations.
But we don't have to dwell in that spot forever.
Allow God to heal you in and through. Release the excruciating memories in the hands of God. Don't hold on to them. They have bigger purpose than just being nursed and rehearsed over and over again. Receive God's healing into your heart. His love & grace is calling. Your hurts and pain He already took on the cross.
Open your clenched fist.. Release those painful memories to God and receive the freedom he gives to your soul and to your body.
Now its your turn to show His love to the people who are taking the same journey and feeling lonely.
Your pain and your scars have a purpose.
Your experiences of becoming stronger and being healed, can heal others of their loneliness and pain. You can be a comforter by receiving God's comfort and healing. You can be an instrument of healing for others in the hands of God.
They can make us bitter or make us a blessing for others.
Scars give purpose to our lost lives!
Let go & Let God Lead You!