No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
This Bible verse is the inspiration behind painting this artwork. So I am sharing my thoughts that weaved around this scripture while painting this beautiful and powerful Art piece.
God's presence always surrounds us even when we feel the least. He is present but sometimes He moves back a few steps from us to wean us and grow us into the person who is stronger; one who is able to handle storms better.
He never says that there will be no troubles but He says we will have them and of many kinds but His presence will never leave us..
He wants us to step out on His word in faith when all else is making no sense.
Title of the Painting: His Presence
Dimensions: 18" x 18"
Acrylic Medium on stretched canvas
For viewing this artwork please go to this link...