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Shweta Kanhai
Indian Abstract Expressionist
The best two words that can aptly describe Shweta Kanhai are – ‘Abstract Expressionist’. Free from creative barriers, free from artistic protocols, free from the confines of individualistic palette, divinity encompasses creation in its totality and that’s what Shweta has reflected in her abstract paintings. If there is chaos, there is order in that chaos as well. Born and brought up in Meerut, a small town in a state Uttar Pradesh, India where history amalgamates with modernity, Shweta developed a creative eye in her formative years that eventually became a window through which her soul witnessed myriad hues of human sensitivity. However, in every emotion she found divine connect that continues to inspire her creative intellect. Her spiritual endeavors, while creating spiritual and inspirational Art in her own Art Studio – “Estudio Divino”, have drawn appreciators who are as varied in class as are the colors in her paintings.
Her original fine art paintings in acrylic medium, over the last 14 years, have adorned walls of the homes located in as far as Seattle and as near as Delhi, Gurgaon and Mumbai. She also exhibited her artworks for Silent Art Auction for GCF Mission, Gurgaon and also displayed her works with renowned painters like Jagannath Paul and Tapas Sardar in a group show organised by Jaguar and appeared in various group shows in Gurgaon.
Shweta has now come back to be in Dehradun, Uttrakhand, where she currently lives with her family and has a heart to reach out and impact the society through her art.
She excels in making highly textured Abstract Paintings and host various Art Webinars for Corporate Professionals, Students and Individuals with need for Healing through Art. She owns an art studio named " Estudio Divino- Art Studio & Gallery." It is Shweta's heart desire to support and promote young emerging artists. She has plans to gradually progress towards the goal.
She had been an Educationist with an impactful career. She has worked with CBSE, ICSE and Cambridge Curriculum across various cities in India. Her practical experience in Early Childhood Education, Lesson Planning, Curriculum Development, Education Leadership and Teachers' Training is remarkable.
Her simple and easy approach to connect with people is admirable by all her colleagues, students, clients and friends. Her passion is to help and see people transform into their best versions. Her faith is demonstrated in all aspects of her life.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
for good works, which God prepared beforehand,
that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
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